Pneumatic Tires FAQ's
Get all your questions answered about pneumatic tires like "What Is the Difference Between Pneumatic and Cushion Tires?" Do Pneumatic Tires Go Flat?" Can you put pneumatic tires...
Today we're going to answer all of your questions about forklift pneumatic tires.
We have over 40 years in the material handling industry and we would love to share our expertise and experience with you.
We'll take a closer look at pneumatic tires, giving you the answers you need to discover whether you should choose pneumatic tires for your your next forklift purchase. So, let's get going.
Get all of your questions answered about pneumatic tires
FAQ's for Pneumatic Tires
If you are in the market for a new forklift and are wondering if you should choose one with pneumatic tires, keep reading and we'll answer all of the most frequently asked questions about pneumatic tires to help you make the right choice.
What Are Pneumatic Tires?
Pneumatic tires are very similar to car tires. They have a very thick tread that will give you great traction over uneven or loose surfaces. There are basically 2 types of pneumatic tires: solid pneumatic tires and air-filled pneumatic tires. Air-filled pneumatic tires are filled with either air or foam.
2. What Is the Difference Between Pneumatic and Cushion Tires?
The main difference between pneumatic and cushion tires is the tread. Cushion tires are smooth while pneumatic tires have a tread. Cushion tires are made of solid rubber and are usually much smaller than pneumatic tires.
Cushion tires give you a lower centre of gravity and they won't mark your warehouse flooring, so they are better for inside applications, whereas pneumatic tires are better for outdoors.
Forklift with Cushion Tires
Forklift with pneumatic tires
3. Do Pneumatic Tires Go Flat?
Just like your car tire, a pneumatic forklift tire that is filled with air can go flat if it gets punctured by a sharp object like a nail. For this reason, you may want to invest in solid pneumatic tires that are filled with foam instead of air or are made with solid rubber wrapped around a steel band.
Solid pneumatic tires are puncture-resistant and are a great choice if you are using your forklift on surfaces with lots of sharp objects like construction sites or lumber yards.
4. Are Pneumatic Tires Good?
Pneumatic tires are good if you are using them for the right type of application. They are more rugged and will grip better than cushion tires so they are your best choice for outdoor applications. They also tend to last longer than cushion tires.
Pneumatic tires are more rugged and will usually last longer than cushion tires
5. Can you put pneumatic tires on any forklift?
You should only put pneumatic tires on forklifts that are designed for pneumatic tires. Your forklift frame, axle, and lifting capacity is designed with a specific type of tire in mind. Putting pneumatic tires on a cushion forklift, for example, could cause a safety hazard.
If you are unsure whether or not your forklift can handle pneumatic tires, check with the manufacturer.
6. Can You Fill Air Pneumatic Tires with Foam?
Foam will better protect your pneumatic tires from punctures in environments where sharp objects are present. Depending on your tires, you may be able to fill them with foam instead of air. The following video shows you how it is done.
Discover how pneumatic tires are filled with foam
Once your tires have been filled with foam, they usually take two to three days to cure. Foam-filled tires can often be used with your existing wheels as well. You should, however, follow the manufacturer's instructions and have them filled by a professional local dealer.
7. What is the difference between Air pneumatic and solid pneumatic tires?
An air-filled pneumatic tire has an airtight inner core filled with pressurized air and covered by a tread that is usually reinforced with steel belting or other materials.
The inside pressure of the tire is greater than the outside air pressure, which means that the tire will stay inflated even with the heavy weight of the vehicle pressing down on it.
You can easily recognize an air-filled pneumatic tire because they will have a valve where you can fill them with air. Cushion and solid pneumatic tires don't have a valve.
Solid pneumatic tires, on the other hand, are made of solid rubber or sometimes filled with foam instead of air. This makes them more puncture-proof and durable than air filled tires, but they don't give you as smooth of a ride.
Solid pneumatic tires are more puncture-proof than air-filled ones
8. Is it easy to get the right air pressure for pneumatic tires When you are inflating them?
It can be quite difficult to get the proper tire pressure you need for your application when you are inflating your pneumatic tires. Variations in air pressure can greatly affect your tire's performance and it is quite tricky to achieve the perfect pressure.
9. Which type of forklift tire costs more: Cushion of Pneumatic?
Pneumatic tires are usually larger than cushion tires and are generally slightly more expensive to purchase. However, they are usually worth the extra investment because they are more durable and tend to last longer.
Because pneumatic tires give your forklift a smoother ride, they can also make your forklift last longer as the different components are not being shaken around as much.
pneumatic tires are larger and more expensive than cushion
10. Will Different Temperatures Affect the performance of pneumatic tires?
If your pneumatic tires are filled with air, then a change in temperature could affect their performance. Hotter temperatures will cause the air inside your tires to expand whereas colder temperatures will cause them to deflate.
As a result, you can experience poorer handling. This is because If your tires deflate, they will flatten slightly meaning that more tread will be in contact with the road.
11. Can you use pneumatic tires indoors?
Even though pneumatic tires are used outside more often, you can use them inside, especially if you want extra comfort for your operators.
However, if you are working in tighter spaces and require greater maneuverability, you may want to choose a cushion tire. Pneumatic tires are larger and therefore have a larger turning radius than smaller cushion tires.
Pneumatic tires can be used inside but they have a larger turning radius
Trust Wayco for Both Pneumatic and Cushion Forklift Purchases
If you are looking for top-quality forklifts, contact Wayco. We sell the best pneumatic and cushion tire forklifts you can buy and our knowledgeable staff will be able to help you choose the perfect model that will best suit your particular applications.
We will be happy to answer all of your questions and our service department can make sure that your forklifts are always in top working condition. Contact Wayco today for all of your forklift needs.
What Our Customers Are Saying…
““I have used Wayco twice, and both times I experienced excellent customer service. They had the right forklift for my needs at a reasonable price. I will be using their services in the future and recommend you do as well.””
Forklift Tires: Cushion, Solid Pneumatic, Air Pneumatic - Any Difference?
Discover the difference between cushion, solid pneumatic, and air pneumatic forklift tires and find out which one if right for you.
Today, we are going to talk about the different types of forklift tires and help you choose the right one for your application.
We have over 40 years of experience in the material handling industry and we would love to share our expertise and experience with you.
This comprehensive guide will explain the difference between cushion, solid pneumatic, and air pneumatic forklift tires. So, let's get going.
You need the right tire for the right application
Forklift Tires
Not all forklift tires are created the same and not every tire is right for every application.
Cushion Forklift Tires
Cushion forklift tires have exceptional maneuverability
Cushion forklift tires are made from solid rubber. They are attached directly on the wheel of your forklift. They are smooth and do not have the deep treads found on pneumatic tires.
Because cushion forklift tires sit lower to the ground, they will give you a smaller turning radius. This means that they have exceptional maneuverability.
Best for:
Cushion forklift tires are best for indoor applications. This type of tire is designed to work best on even surfaces such as warehouse flooring.
They have a difficult time traveling over the uneven surfaces found outside, such as dirt and gravel.
A cushion tire will give you better traction on a dry surface, but they do not work well in moist environments.
You can use cushion tires for light outdoor use on asphalt surfaces. Because cushion tires have a lower clearance than pneumatic, they are unable to maneuver over rough surfaces.
Solid Pneumatic Forklift Tires
Solid tires are puncture resistant and work well on construction sites
As their name suggests, solid pneumatic tires are made of solid rubber. They are similar to cushion tires, however they do not give you as comfortable a ride over paved surfaces as cushion tires do.
Take a look at how solid tires are made
Solid pneumatic forklift tires are incredibly durable and are almost indestructible. They cannot be punctured by nails, screws, etc.
They are worth the extra investment because they are going to last you an extremely long time. They are the most commonly used forklift tire on the market today.
Best for:
Solid pneumatic tires can be used in both indoor and outdoor applications. They are the best choice for areas with a lot of debris such as lumber yards, scrap yards and construction sites.
Air Pneumatic Forklift Tires
Pneumatic tires are much larger than cushion tires
Air pneumatic forklift tires are very similar to car and truck tires. They are made of a very strong, long-lasting rubber, but they are filled with air. They are the same size as solid pneumatic tires.
Air pneumatic tires have a very deep tread so that they can grip really well on uneven surfaces.
Best for:
These tires work well on rough, outdoor terrain, such as unpaved surfaces. They can be punctured though. It's best not to use air pneumatic forklift tires in lumber yards or construction sites where there are lots of things such as nails that can damage your tires.
Air pneumatic tires are better for outdoor applications where there are no sharp objects
Other Forklift Tire Options
Foam Filling
You may be able to fill your air pneumatic tires with foam instead of air. The foam will better protect your tires from punctures in environments where sharp objects are present.
Once your tires have been filled with foam, they usually take two to three days to cure. They can often be used with your existing wheels as well. You should follow the manufacturer's instructions and have them filled by a professional local dealer.
This video will let you see how a tire can be filled with foam
Combination Solid and Air Pneumatic Tires
You can use a combination of solid and air filled pneumatic tires on your forklift. However, you need to make sure that you either have solid tires on the front and air-filled on the back, or air-filled on the front and solid on the back. You cannot mix one of each type of tire on the same axle.
Fiberglass Forklift Tires
When fiberglass is integrated into your rubber tires, it helps your tires have a higher resistance to heat. Heat can damage your rubber tires over time.
When you use your forklift for a long period of time, friction causes heat to build up in the rubber. The addition of fiberglass means that your tires will last longer.
Polyurethane Forklift Tires
Although rubber is the most popular choice for forklift tires, you can also get them made from polyurethane.
A polyurethane tire is chemical-resistant, so they are a good choice if you are working around chemicals that could spill on the floor.
Polyurethane tires can also hold their integrity better than rubber tires when used to move heavy loads over short distances.
Static-Resistant Tires
If you work in a facility with combustive or explosive materials, then you may want to purchase static-resistant tires that prevent static discharge.
This is a great choice to reduce or avoid the possibility of static electricity, especially working around materials that produce fumes or are flammable.
When warehouse surfaces get cold, they can easily build up ice, making traction difficult for your forklift. Cold-prepped tires are covered with a "walnut" surface that gives them extra traction in these conditions.
Need Forklift Tires? Contact Wayco
If you need new forklift tires, contact the professionals at Wayco. We can help you choose the right tires for your needs. You can also trust Wayco for all of your forklift repairs. You can rely on Wayco for:
Trustworthy Service: ForkliftHub has been a trustworthy forklift repair service provider in Kitchener-Waterloo for over 40 years.
Find out why our customers have come to rely on us to give them quality forklift repairs at the most competitive prices in the industry.
You can even contact us for an estimate on your repair ahead of time!
Fast Response Time: Wayco also has an incredibly fast response time, so you won't have to wait to get your lift trucks back in operation.
We can usually have our service tech at your location within 2 to 3 hours, and we also guarantee the same day.
Reliable Ongoing Maintenance: Wayco will help you make sure that your forklifts are well maintained. We can track and pre-schedule all maintenance work for you so that your equipment is properly serviced in a timely manner.
This will help you avoid expensive downtime, and you won't have to remember to schedule or book your service work. We'll do it for you.
Any Make or Model: ForkliftHub offers top-quality service on all forklift makes and models. If you are looking for top-quality forklift maintenance and service, contact ForkliftHub.
Our fully equipped service and parts department is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our qualified technicians are capable of properly performing maintenance services and inspections of all types.
Our knowledgeable staff can keep your equipment in top working condition, which means lower repair costs and higher machine efficiency. Contact ForkliftHub today for all of your forklift maintenance and repair needs.